A Summertime staple in a lady's historical wardrobe, "Summer Whites" are ideal to handle the heat and reflect the sun.
This Springtime, learn the look of "Summer Whites" of the Edwardian era so you'll be ready this Summer!!!
Join SITU’s Professor Violet as she shares information about “Summer
Whites” garments, how lace insertion is done, and review patterns that
could be used should you wish to make your own. Bring your own
patterns to discuss a project you may be considering, or trace from lace
insertion patterns available in class.
This might be just the thing to inspire you about your costume for
SITU’s upcoming July 8th Summer Picnic!
Saturday, June 17, 2023
12 pm - 5 pm
Office building training center, Bellevue.
Full address will be emailed to you with the Supplies List.
Professor Violet
What We Will Do:
It's a little bit show & tell, a little bit "round table brainstorming", and the opportunity to trace from patterns brought to class.
What to Bring &
What's Supplied:
Once your payment reservation has been confirmed, a Supplies List will be emailed to you so you can assemble materials prior to class.
Materials Fee:
$5.00 - Registration preference given to 2023 SITU Members.