We have decided that winter needs some enlivening! We are hosting an elegant ball for your enjoyment and edification. The best of society will be there!
There will be music and a dancing mistress for English country dancing. Partners and skill are not needed to enjoy this dancing. it will all be conducted with ease and fun in mind. We’ll have dancing before and after dinner.
We will have a silhouette artist and a photographer to delight you with a memento of the evening. (See below for more information.)
Dress in any historical era is welcomed, as long as it features Black and White! (Visit this Pinterest board for ideas for dress.) Be as formal as you want to be.
The address and directions will be provided to those who reserve a place.
Tickets must be purchased by Tuesday, February 9th. Unfortunately, we are unable to permit tickets to be purchased after this date.
Both beef and chicken entrees will be served at each table. You do not need to choose at this time. Punch, coffee, tea and cocoa will be offered, along with the complete four course dinner. Food restrictions will be gladly accommodated, to the best of our ability. Just add your food restrictions and telephone number in the comment section when purchasing your tickets.
Questions? Contact Bobbie Kalben: Bobbie@SITUSeattle.com
Those who choose to, may bring wine for their own enjoyment at the dinner.

Date: Saturday, February 20th, 2016
Time: 2:00pm-6:00pm (the meal to be served at 3:00pm)
Place: Magnolia, Seattle (the address will be provided to those who make reservations)
Dress: Black and white, era of your choosing
Price: $45.00 SITU members, $60.00, non-members
***Attendance is Limited, so please reserve early to assure your place.***
