SITU University Presents:

2024 Educational Opportunities

* Workshop

"Corset Cover" Workshop (W/S)"

Sun Feb 18th  |  11:00a -4:00p |  Details Here…

Professor Violet teaches

Let’s build a simple  Edwardian Ccorset Cover using a pattern based on an extant corset cover, an Edwardian Corset Cover pattern from Black Orchid Atelier. 

If you haven’t signed up as a Member yet use this link to Join or to Renew If you are a Visitor to our site, please let our Treasurer know you’d like http://mail to: Treasurer@situseattle.comto receive email notices of historical costuming opportunities!

If you haven’t already, please be sure you are on our mailing list!  Contact:
Treasurer “at” SITUSeattle “dot” com

2023 Educational Opportunities

* Workshop

- "Summer Whites” Design Studio

Sat Jun 17th  |  12p-5pm |  Details Here…

This Springtime, learn the look of “Summer Whites” of the Edwardian era, so you’ll be ready this Summer!!!

If you haven’t already, please be sure you are on our mailing list!  Contact:
Treasurer “at” SITUSeattle “dot” com 

* Workshop

- "Hatpins”

Sat May 6th  |  11a-3pm |  SAVE THE DATE!

Details are forthcoming.  If you haven’t already, please be sure you are on our mailing list!  Contact:
Treasurer “at” SITUSeattle “dot” com

2022 Educational Opportunities

- “Women’s Costuming for Beginners - Mid-Century Modern”

Sat Feb 26th  |  7-9p

Ideas about how to thrift store shop or cobble together outfits for a mid-century modern silhouette.

* Design Studio

- “Men’s Costuming - Mid-Century Modern”.

Sat Mar 26, 2022  |  7-9pm
Ideas about how to locate and style men’s mid-century modern clothing. 

* To be announced

Sat 2021  |  TBD

* To be announced

Sat 2021  |  TBD

As we live in the Seattle area, we are at the mercy of weather conditions.  Should inclement weather necessitate Event cancellation, we will reschedule the Event.  Tickets for SITU activities are non-refundable, however, may be transferable.  Purchaser is responsible for finding replacement attendee; SITU will attempt to assist, as possible.

Thank you for visiting  our website.
We hope you have decided to join us for a SITU-U Workshop or Design Studio!

Should you have any Education-related questions, please email: 
Professor Violet


Should you have any Financial-related questions, please email:
Treasurer “at”

Until we meet again….

Updated Feb 07, 2024

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