Seattle is getting “too crowded” (with already 1,100 people by 1870!) for the likes of the nouveau riche families of the Yeslers, Dennys, Borens and Blaines. Time away from the rebuild after “The Big Fire” and the ongoing construction, will give the families some much needed rest from noise, pollution and running their businesses downtown.
This April 29th, we’re headed for a Victorian Home on Fir Island, just outside of Mt. Vernon, WA!
We’ll hop into our carriages and buggies or new Model A and head north. Once at Conway, we’ll stop in to visit “Ella Bella’s Vintage Finds” or, continue a bit further north to the quaint town of Mt. Vernon to peruse the offerings of “Red Door Antiques.”
After collecting our purchases (window shopping OK too), we’ll go visit Uncle George and Uncle Don at their stylish home on Fir Island. The dining room table will groan under the weight of our family-style pot luck. Those who prefer to do their own picnic, are welcome to do do. If the weather is especially lovely, the food table may be transferred outdoors.
During our stay, we’ll take good advantage of the vast grassy field out back for lively rounds of croquet and bocce ball – the gentlemen will be sure to be especially jocular!
What to bring:
– Favorite potluck dish to share. “Gluten free” or other dietary specialties also welcomed.
– Usual basket of your personal serving items such as plate, silverware, glass, cup, napkin, etc. to be able to enjoy the potluck items.
– Folding chair in your carriage, “just in case” Uncles George & Don don’t have enough seating available this time.
– Good humour, carefree spirit, and good stories to share!
Entry voucher:
While Uncle George and Uncle Don have retired up north on the proceeds of their ambitious development of parcels in old Seattle town, they DO need to replace their Victrola. We are gathering $10 from each of our “relatives” attending so that we can help them in their Victrola quest.
– Travel time is approximately 2 hrs from Seattle to the Conway exit from the road leading to Canada. Adjust your travel time accordingly.
– Those wishing to take in at least one of the antique stores, should anticipate an arrival in Conway, or Mt. Vernon, by 10:00 a.m. when the stores open.
– A “late lunch” will be enjoyed on Fir Island (adjacent to the town of Conway), approximately at 1 p.m. when the “family members” should have their potluck item in place.
– Sporting games will take place immediately following lunch. In the event of inclement weather, indoor games will be planned by members of the Laurelhurst and Roxbury families.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP your intent to our delightful Secretary!
Her direct address is:
Secretary “at” SITUSeattle “dot” com
Please review, then use the additional “voting button” to secure your spot at the gathering!
We look forward to seeing you soon…..
The Details:
Date & Time:
Saturday, April 29, 2017
– Shopping begins at 10am when stores open.
– Potluck/Picnic arrive at the Uncles’ home between 12:30-1pm.
Directions and map to both shopping and Uncles Don & George will be emailed about a week prior to the event as a method of confirmation, for all who have provided their “donation toward the Victrola.” (event fee.)
Cost: $15 Non-members & $10 Members
(Payments are due by Friday, April 21st.)
Please use the Paypal button or send your personal check as directed below.
PayPal Button:
NON Members
PayPal button:
Payment via Personal Check:
(Checks are due by
Friday, April 21st)
Make checks payable to:
Somewhere in Time, Unlimited
MAIL checks to:
PO Box 16411
Seattle, WA 98116
Thank you for your interest today!
Feel free to visit our website’s homepage to view more details.