Costuming in Seattle

(An Historical Costuming Club)

Do You Know of A Dress-Up Opportunity?

Do You Know of A Dress-up Opportunity?

“Hey Margie…. I heard of a Victorian Parlour Tour and I think the members of Somewhere in Time, Unlimited would LOVE to go!  Who do I tell?”

“Oh Tootsie, it’s so easy….
You just go to their website,
fill out the form, and
the information is given to the Secretary of the Board!  

She will get it into the SITU Happenings for everyone to see.”

Do you have a Gmail account?  You can easily complete the form below.

If you’d prefer to use a Word Document and send a copy of that to the Secretary of the Board with your answers, scroll down!  The downloadable document is listed below….

Downloadable “Notice of Dress-up Opportunity” in a Word Document format.

Thank you for your support of Somewhere in Time, Unlimited.  We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming gathering.  If you have any questions, please email: Secretary “at”, or phone Lady Victoria at: 206.484.7965

{Image credits:
Vintage postcard – Unknown subject and source. Came to webmistress via email with the attached title of “Lenny’s Red Rose.”
Two ladies – Miss Vanessa and Miss Rebecca, members of Somewhere in Time, Unlimited.}

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