Costuming in Seattle

(An Historical Costuming Club)

Heirloom Button Workshop

SITU University is pleased to present:

18th c Button examplle

Heirloom Buttons Workshop 

Sunday, March 4, 2018
1:30p – 4:30p

Guest Instructor, Miss Bobbi

Heirloom buttons are those that are made from fabric and thread.  Early, early “buttons” were more like jewelry, afforded only by aristocracy.  Before the first “button machine” was developed (to make shell buttons), buttons were made this way. In fact, it was the main industry of the town of Dorset (England) in the mid-1800’s, thus the name. They are a lot of fun and offer a lot of opportunity for creativity and personalization, not to mention Historically Accurate!

singleton button

In class we will do the straight-forward “Singleton” button and move onto the various “Crosswheel” buttons.  And finally we will make a Victorian Flag Button, which is done on a wooden form.  You will have enough materials to complete 5 buttons. There is a LOT of room for creativity!

Several Singleton Buttons

Dorset buttons blue

Join us as SITU’s own Bobbi Chase teaches this useful and fascinating class!

To register, please scroll down and use our convenient PayPal button.

For any questions, contact:

Treasurer “at”  or
Karen “at”

Several Singleton Buttons

Thank you for visiting our site!

If you are curious and would like to know more about this active Historical Cotuming club, please visit our Homepage ( for more details – our upcoming Events, Education, Dress-up Opportunities, etc.

We look forward to meeting you at a gathering very soon!!!

Updated: 3/1/2018

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