Costuming in Seattle

(An Historical Costuming Club)

Vintage Tie Workshop

SITU University Presents:

“Vintage Ties – Get Yourself Into Knots!”

Saturday, April 28, 2018  1-4pm

Oliver enjoys historical costuming, but alas, the eras he has costumed thus far did not require the use of a cravat, ascot, tie, or bowtie.  What’s a gentleman to do when he needs help identifying historically accurate ties, let alone the appropriate knot?

Let SITU-U come to the rescue with “Vintage Ties – Get Yourself Into Knots!”

This April 28th, SITU Gentlemen will gather around a dining room table in a private home to gain tutelage from a true professional!  The men will have a hands-on experience experience with various knots, all with assistance and support of a guest instructor.


Date & Time:

Saturday, April 28, 2018
1pm – 4pm


Private residence in Upper Rainier Beach (South Seattle), just north of the MLK exit off I-5.


A white shirt – can be button down, regular is fine


Various width ties, bow ties and acscot if you have them,  your questions and good humour!


$15 per attendee.


“Heavy hors d’oeuvres” will be served to attendees

This is a “limited space available” gathering.  SITU Members will be given preferential registration. If you wish to join as you’re not already a member, choose the “New Member & Workshop” button below.

DEADLINE for Payment is 5pm, APRIL 21, 2018

Already a Member? 
Use THIS PayPal button:

MEMBER: Vintage Tie Workshop
Name of attendee/s

“New Member & Workshop”

Not yet a Member but want to receive preferential ticketing? Then go here to do both:

NEW Member - Vintage Ties
NEW Member/Gift MemberName/s
Question for Treasurer?

Non Member?  This PayPal button is for you.  *Just know that preferential ticketing will be given to Members of SITU….

NON Member - Vintage Ties
Name/s of participant/s

If you have WORKSHOP questions, please email:
Karen “at” SITUSeattle “dot” com

If you have FINANCIAL questions, please email:
Treasurer “at” SITUSeattle “dot” com

Thank you for visiting our page!
If you’d like to know more about our club, please visit our homepage.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our gatherings soon..

Updated:  March 13, 2018

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